libt3window Documentation


The libt3window library provides functions for manipulating the terminal and for creating (possibly overlapping) windows on a terminal. libt3window can be used instead of (n)curses for drawing on the terminal. libt3window provides the following features:

  • (Overlapping) windows for drawing. Overlapping windows hide windows deeper in the window stack.
  • Clipping of windows to the size of the parent window.
  • UTF-8 used internally, which is converted to the terminal encoding before output. libt3window depends on libt3unicode for UTF-8 processing and libtranscript for character set conversion.
  • Provides easy access to the most needed terminal functionality.
  • Small code size.

libt3window is part of the Tilde Terminal Toolkit (T3).


The example below shows a small program which displays two overlapping windows. When the user presses a key the front window is hidden, showing the previously partially obscured window. To make the windows clearly visable a box is drawn around each window.

This program does not check whether the terminal supports the T3_ATTR_REVERSE attribute. The terminal capabilities should be checked through t3_term_get_caps.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <t3/window.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int result;
t3_window_t *hidden, *exposed;
/* Initialize libt3window for standard input/output. */
result = t3_term_init(-1);
if (result != T3_ERR_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing terminal: %s\n", t3_window_strerror(result));
/* Create a new 10x10 window on line 0, column 5, depth 10. */
hidden = t3_win_new(NULL, 10, 10, 0, 5, 10);
/* Create a new 10x10 window on line 5, column 11, depth 0. */
exposed = t3_win_new(NULL, 10, 10, 5, 11, 0);
if (hidden == NULL || exposed == NULL) {
/* Restore the terminal to normal state. */
fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory available for creating windows\n");
/* Draw a box on the hidden window with reverse video. */
t3_win_box(hidden, 0, 0, 10, 10, T3_ATTR_REVERSE);
/* Draw a box on the exposed window without special attributes. */
t3_win_box(exposed, 0, 0, 10, 10, 0);
/* Set the paint cursor for the hidden window at row 7, column 1 of the window. */
t3_win_set_paint(hidden, 7, 1);
/* Draw the string "Hello" on the hidden window. */
t3_win_addstr(hidden, "Hello", 0);
/* Set the paint cursor for the exposed window at row 2, column 1 of the window. */
t3_win_set_paint(exposed, 2, 1);
/* Draw the string "World" on the exposed window. */
t3_win_addstr(exposed, "World", 0);
/* Show windows. */
/* Hide cursor */
/* Now update the terminal to reflect our drawing. */
/* Wait for the user to press the a key. */
/* If the key the user pressed resulted in character sequence rather than
a single character, we want to read those here because otherwise we won't
wait before the end of the program. Any characters available within
10 msec are deemed to be part of this character sequence. */
while (t3_term_get_keychar(10) >= 0) {}
/* Hide the exposed window. */
/* Now update the terminal to reflect our changes. */
/* Wait for the user to press the a key. */
while (t3_term_get_keychar(10) >= 0) {}
/* Restore the terminal to normal state. */
int t3_term_init(int fd, const char *term)
Initialize the terminal.
Definition: terminal_init.c:654
const char * t3_window_strerror(int error)
Get a string description for an error code.
Definition: misc.c:41
void t3_term_restore(void)
Restore terminal state (de-initialize).
Definition: terminal_init.c:838
#define T3_ERR_SUCCESS
Error code: success.
Definition: window_errors.h:27
Draw characters with reverse video.
Definition: terminal.h:112
void t3_term_hide_cursor(void)
Hide the cursor.
Definition: terminal.c:315
void t3_term_update(void)
Update the terminal, drawing all changes since last refresh.
Definition: terminal.c:644
int t3_term_get_keychar(int msec)
Get a key char from stdin with timeout.
Definition: input.c:253
void t3_win_show(t3_window_t *win)
Make a t3_window_t visible.
Definition: window.c:620
void t3_win_set_paint(t3_window_t *win, int y, int x)
Change the position where characters are written to the t3_window_t.
Definition: window.c:614
int t3_win_addstr(t3_window_t *win, const char *str, t3_attr_t attr)
Add a nul-terminated string to a t3_window_t with specified attributes.
Definition: window_paint.c:880
void t3_win_hide(t3_window_t *win)
Make a t3_window_t invisible.
Definition: window.c:623
int t3_win_box(t3_window_t *win, int y, int x, int height, int width, t3_attr_t attr)
Draw a box on a t3_window_t.
Definition: window_paint.c:1235
t3_window_t * t3_win_new(t3_window_t *parent, int height, int width, int y, int x, int depth)
Create a new t3_window_t.
Definition: window.c:122
An opaque struct representing a window which can be shown on the terminal.
Definition: internal.h:49